Mohr Bouviers

Karl & Linda Mohr – Fogelsville, PA

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And Then There Were None…

September 16th, 2009 · 4 Comments · Latest News & Litters

Mohr Bouviers is proud to welcome Brenda and Dick from Greensboro, NC to the Mohr Bouvier Family. Our little Petunia is now a Southern Belle.

About a month ago Brenda saw our description of Petunia on our website and thought she would be a perfect fit for their family. Brenda and Dick have faced some very difficult and sad times over the past two years which included losing their faithful Bouvier, Valentine. Nothing helps heal a broken heart quite like a Bouvier with those soulful eyes that seem to understand without any words required. After several conversations and emails the only decision to be made was how to unite Petunia with her new family. The timing was perfect with Karl and me leaving for a long weekend visit with my Dad in Boone, NC. So with Petunia in the back seat off we headed for what turned out to be a very long drive but well worth it. Watching Petunia get to know her new family was filled with many emotions for all. But before too long it was time for Petunia to go home with her family and complete her journey to Greensboro.

We have talked to Brenda since our return to PA and Ginger aka Petunia is doing just fine. She is making herself right at home and found a nice cool spot (on top of the AC vent) to nap and watch all the activities. She has met her two dog sisters, Savannah, a Standard Party Poodle, and Keiko, a Chinese Crested, along with human family and friends. She has greeted everyone including the vet and his staff with a wagging tail which tends to wiggle her entire body!! Ginger is exploring her big yard and starting to play games of fetch along side her sister Savannah. And rumor has it there is a red Buick Reatta convertible with leather upholstery the same color as Ginger that will be used for adventures around town once Ginger is a little older. I can’t wait to see the pictures.

So if you find yourself in North Carolina and see a gorgeous fawn Bouvier sitting in a red convertible, it just might be Ginger doing her job of helping a family smile and heal!

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4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Sharon Fretz // Sep 19, 2009 at 11:04 am

    Congratulations on your new puppy, Brenda and Dick. We have Ginger’s sister, Chloe and her favorite spot for napping is on the AC vent in the kitchen! They are wonderful puppies. Chloe is always with us and stays right in our yard and we do not have a fence. Of course, we always go out with her. Where ever we take her she is the center of attention, and always well behaved.
    Welcome and good luck with Ginger!

  • 2 Brenda // Sep 21, 2009 at 8:03 am

    Thanks Sharon. Aren’t we the lucky ones? Ginger moves from room to room, AC vent to AC vent, if our laps are not available on the floor. (Our 2 previous Bouvs did the same.) We had to remove her rabies tag as it caught & brought the vent insert with her a few times. She simply calmly came to us for help with removal. Bouvs puppy are territorial and not given to wandering – one of their many good features. Ginger is smart & I’m impressed with her manners. I spend 30 minutes each morning throwing a frisbee or tennis ball for my standard Parti-poodle to retrieve, building up her muscles and burning up energy. Ginger is enthusiastically “gallumphing” behind her every leap of the way. She is handling shorter ball retrievals on her own. Now I have to figure out how to do two-handed throws! All that exercise precedes breakfast & makes for quiet mornings around here….

  • 3 Jill // Sep 21, 2009 at 2:05 pm

    Congratulations, everyone with a beautiful puppy from this litter. I have Eddie, their littermates. He is out second Bouvier, and we love him to death. Calm, super smart, stays right with you without being clingy. He seems to be (knock wood) housetrained. We have only had one accident since we’ve had him. I am so happy for Ginger, it was a toss up for us between she and Eddie. They were both so beautiful and sweet. However, I trusted Lynn’s discription of Eddie’s personality and she was right, he couldn’t be more perfect for our busy farm life, and active children. Once again congratulations, and I have to say we were all very lucky to get one of Mohr’s Bouviers!

  • 4 Barb & Warren Wagner // Oct 12, 2009 at 8:35 am

    Congratulations on adopting Ginger. I saw her when she was just a wee one and thought she was precious. Our Boo and Lola are sister and brother and have done training together for some time now. I loved the picture of her riding in the convertible. She’s definitely a Southern belle. I’m sure she’s very happy with you.

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