Mohr Bouviers

Karl & Linda Mohr – Fogelsville, PA

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Egor – September 2009

September 10th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Bouvier in the Spotlight

We were just going to go and look at the puppies….
One in particular kept coming back and sitting behind me in Linda and Karl’s yard.
His name was Egor, funny name….born July 23, 2008, one of Jezzabelle’s puppies.
He was kind of shy, and it made me feel guilty taking him from his family (so much for just looking!)
Dave, my husband, was away the first week we brought him home and it rained, no poured… the entire week. I remember standing outside at 2 AM (in the rain) waiting for him to “go potty” and sleeping in front of his crate so he would not feel alone. At about 6 months old, Egor had to repeat Puppy Kindergarten because he was still a bit shy….but soon he was more confident and ready to really explore!

Egor’s thoughts:

“chickens are especially fascinating…ohh…too much to resist, ok! Caught one! Now what do I do with it???? Dad to the rescue….no harm to the chicken!
The horses – wow – they are BIG! It scares me a little when they make a sudden move – they shouldn’t do that! Maybe I should stay on this side of the fence, that is what my mom keeps telling me…
You know that puppy kindergarten repeating thing….well, there was a Great Dane puppy in that class….he was way bigger than me, so I felt a little intimidated, but I was ok after we became friends, he was fun to play with!
Beginning obedience class, trying to learn to focus and keep my attention on mom and dad! Hey, how many times do we really have to do this? (can you say “boring”?)
The riding ring is a fun place…..I can JUMP! I can go thru a tunnel and a chute, although sometimes I get caught in the chute and can’t find the way out!”

In the span of one year, Egor has morphed from a very cute huggable bundle of puppy fur to a very cute huggable handsome Bouvier. We began taking him to a groomer at an early age to get him used to being groomed and now he goes every 8 weeks. It keeps his coat soft and clean and free of mats. Sometimes we do tie up his fall in a ponytail – it helps him to see the Frisbee when we play! We love to take Egor on hikes, and he goes camping with us, and has been to our Endurance Rides with the horses. He is a very good traveler and makes friends wherever we go. We also play a lot of hide and seek in the yard.

Egor has a sister, Sadie, a 10 yr old border collie, and a brother, Willie, a 3 yr old pug. They are funny trio to watch play…..We have a large fenced in yard with plenty of places to explore (and burdocks to get into). We recently started taking Egor to the barn to tend to the horses and he is being very good around the horses…although chickens are still a challenge to Egor. But, even if he catches one, he does not harm it, although the chicken is not too thrilled about it! He stands guard in the barn aisle as the horses come in and out at feeding time. He has really matured mentally in the past month and seems to understand that he has a job to do when we are around the horses.

I could not imagine our lives without Egor – he is a very much loved member of our family. As Linda and Karl have said – you’ll never be alone with a Bouvier in your home. This is so true!


2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Linda Mohr // Sep 18, 2009 at 8:38 am

    Houdini could use Egor’s help the next time our neighbor’s rooster comes over and tries to intimidate him. Houdini tries his best to stand his ground but that rooster is really scary when it comes flying at him. He needs his little brothers help to be brave and stand up to the scary rooster!!!

  • 2 kay bond // Sep 23, 2009 at 11:37 am

    Linda – you gave me the perfect suggestion. I need to get a rooster, maybe Egor would then learn to leave the hens alone! I’ll have to think about that….

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