Mohr Bouviers

Karl & Linda Mohr – Fogelsville, PA

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Welcome to Our Latest Mohr Bouvier Families – Spring 2013

July 26th, 2013 · 5 Comments · Latest News & Litters

We would like to welcome four new families into the Mohr Bouvier Family. As everyone knows Lola had a very sweet litter of puppies this spring. They were Chunky Monkey, Chubby Hubby, Cinnamon Bun and Rock Road. Now if those names sound familiar you normally find them in the freezer section at your local grocery store. Lola’s version of the famous ice cream flavors came in rather large, fuzzy, snuggly packages with four paws.

First, we would like to welcome Kate and Darren Dreher and their two daughters, Chelsie and Callie. Normally an entire family comes over to pick out their puppy but in this case Darren was unable to join in the fun. So the women of the Dreher household set out to find their new family member on their own. And I must say the new family member didn’t wait too long before letting them know he was the one! Chunky Monkey soon became Othello or Otie for short. I think I am safe in saying Otie has become a loving member of this new Bouvier family.

Next, we have Joann and Pete Matiko. Joann and Pete have been patiently waiting for us to have a puppy for them and their patience paid off. They both came over to meet the puppies and once Pete lay down on our living room floor it took Cinnamon Bun two seconds to start climbing over him in a less-than-subtle attempt to let him know “PICK ME!!!!” Well the decision was made to add this adorable little girl to their family. Miss Cinnamon Bun was destined to become Coco.

Next, we have Donna and Charlie Gorman. After losing their beloved Bouvier last year they have been waiting for a puppy to help start building new memories with. And their new family member, Chubby Hubby, soon became Noah and is ready to fill their home with laughter. Noah is starting his new life learning from two very special loving people.

And that leaves our 4th family, Maria and Paul Hadjiyane. After losing their Bouvier Bob, it took some time for hearts to heal and allow them to open up to a new addition. But the time was right and a cute little fawn boy by the name of Rocky Road was looking for the right family. So the drive was made from VA to PA and Rocky Road became Louis. Louis is now not only surrounded by toys but surrounded by lots of playing, walking and most importantly love.

Welcome to one and all. We look forward to hearing lots and lots of stories and seeing loads of photos. Thank you all for opening your homes and hearts to your Mohr Bouvier puppy!!

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5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Nancy Koch // Jul 27, 2013 at 11:01 am

    Sending a warm welcome to ALL of our newest Mohr Bouvier extended family members! As our circle grows, we are embraced by more fun and loving tales of our companions who travel through life opening our hearts to more fun, fur and love!

    Heffala and family

  • 2 Rebecca Lorenz // Jul 28, 2013 at 4:37 pm

    I originally contacted you about Maime, but I was too late. My husband and I are going to spend Monday night in Philadelphia tomorrow night. We wondered if we could come for a visit tomorrow because we still are interested in a Bouvier puppy. Pease let us know!

  • 3 Linda Mohr // Jul 29, 2013 at 10:56 am


    We would love to introduce you to our Bouviers. We will be home around 6:00 pm if that works for you. Let me know.

  • 4 Rebecca Lorenz // Jul 29, 2013 at 2:07 pm

    We will be driving through in about 2 hours and 30 minutes so we may miss you. Becky

  • 5 Linda Mohr // Jul 29, 2013 at 3:02 pm

    Sorry we will miss you.

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