Mohr Bouviers

Karl & Linda Mohr – Fogelsville, PA

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Boo – October 2009

October 19th, 2009 · 3 Comments · Bouvier in the Spotlight

Mister Boo (aka Boo or Boo Boo) entered the world on 7/7/07 along with ten brothers and sisters and is the love of our lives! He’s a 95 lb hunk of gorgeous Bouvier and on our morning walks has people pulling over in cars to ask “What kind of dog is that? He’s beautiful.” Also, people we meet walking want to pet him, which he tolerates, but definitely is my protection doggie. When 7 o’clock rolls around in the morning he’s in both our faces telling us to get a move on; it’s time for his walk! He also lets me know when it’s time for his breakfast, dinner or treats.

Some of his funniest traits are; he helps me vacuum, walks right alongside me and shares the work; helps me cook by cleaning the floor of anything I drop and lies right by my feet to make sure I’m following the recipe. He loves his backyard where he can chase Heckle and Jekyll (two squirrels that drive him crazy). He also sits at the garden gate between us and our next door neighbor and waits until Lisa opens her kitchen window so he can bark and cry till she comes out to pet him and make a big fuss over him. How smart is that? What a ham!

Over the years Boo has joined the “All Bouvier Training Class” where he gets to socialize with his brothers, sisters and Mom, which are held on a Saturday morning. Of course he gets to see Linda and Karl also which is always a big treat. Actually I’m not sure who enjoys the socializing the most, the Mohrs, Bob, Nancy or Barb & Warren.

Life with a Bouvier is never dull. He’s a constant companion even if he’s just lying beside me or doing his little Indian dance when he wants something (who says dogs can’t talk). He can be stubborn at times, but lots of love and kisses go a long way with him.

He’s the best.

