Mohr Bouviers

Karl & Linda Mohr – Fogelsville, PA

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Prayers for Linda and Karl

March 5th, 2012 · 18 Comments · Latest News & Litters

Update (5/11/12): We are pleased and thrilled to share that several weeks ago, Linda returned home to the farm where she continues to recuperate. She’s in excellent spirits, both physically and mentally. We’d like to thank you all for your prayers and support. We are truly blessed to have friends, neighbors and colleagues as yourselves!


Update (3/16/12): Linda has continued to move forward in her recovery and was transferred to Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital late yesterday afternoon. She will be there for a while where she will have a busy schedule of physical and occupational therapy twice a day at an hour and a half each. Currently,visitors and phone calls are a bit much for her to take in, however, please feel free to send cards to let her know that she continues to be in your thoughts and prayers. The address there is:

Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital/Allentown
850 S. 5th Street
Allentown, PA 18103

As always, we will provide you with additional infomation as soon as we receive it.

Thank you, Friends, for your continued heartfelt understanding, thoughts and prayers.


Update (3/9/12): We’re so happy to let you all know that Linda has been taken off the breathing and feeding tubes and is communicating (and even joking a bit) with everyone. She still has a ways to go but is well on the mend. Thank you so much for your continued support! We are very thankful for each and every one of you!


As most of you may know, Linda was admitted to the hospital last week for major surgery. Each of your continued thoughts, prayers and patience in the coming days and weeks would be wonderful!

Please rest assured we are receiving any and all inquiries to our website as well as via email and phone calls. Responding to each and every inquiry is very time consuming. We respectfully request that you check in on our website from time to time where we will be posting the latest information. We would prefer to donate as much of that attention and energy as we can on focusing on Linda’s speedy recovery.

Should you wish to comment and pass along your thoughts and well-wishes, please feel free to reply below.

Thank you so much for your understanding and continued thoughts and prayers.


18 responses so far ↓

  • 1 nancy & mike koch & Heffala // Mar 5, 2012 at 5:09 pm

    To all of Linda’s beloved family,

    You are in our constant thoughts and prayers. Our hearts are full of compassion, hope, support and love as you move through this challenging time.

    Blessings for your courage and strength, good health and for the gift of friendship.

    You are loved,
    Nancy, Mike and Heffala

  • 2 Judy Yanega // Mar 6, 2012 at 10:04 am

    Our thought and prayers are with you.
    Judy and Bob Yanega
    GiGi and Belle too!

  • 3 Brigitta, Scott, Michael & Cupid Acton // Mar 6, 2012 at 5:34 pm

    Dear Linda, Karl and Family,
    We are thinking of you each and every day. We are sending healing thoughts from the hills of northwest NJ. Please let your vast “Bouvier Community” know if there is anything we can do to help. We are here to support you any way you need us!!

    Brigitta, Scott, Michael and Miss Cupid

  • 4 bob csencsits // Mar 6, 2012 at 11:11 pm

    Karl and family , all of you are in our thought and prayers in hoping for a speedy recovery for Linda and the days ahead. God Bless

    bob leann and gus

  • 5 Cheryl Wenner // Mar 7, 2012 at 6:42 am

    You all are in my prayers daily. Lena is a love and doing very well and wishing Linda is home soon with her family. Any support you need just let me know. GOD bless you all. Love and care, Cheryl and Lena B. Twinky

  • 6 Linda and Dwayne // Mar 7, 2012 at 2:49 pm

    We are thinking of you often and praying for you all thruout the day………..we hope and pray you heal quickly and 110% !! God’s best for you all in these days ahead. Psalms 23 and Proverbs 3:5-6 Love yas, Linda and Dwayne

  • 7 Dave and Kay // Mar 8, 2012 at 3:13 pm

    Linda and Karl, we are thinking of you and praying for you everyday. We are here for you.
    Love, Egor, Mahla, Dave and Kay

  • 8 Maggie and Bob // Mar 8, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    Dear Linda (and Family),
    Our hearts go out to you during this difficult time. We are saying many prayers for you to heal quickly and completely and for God to be close to you, strengthen you, give you courage, hope and faith and all you need. We feel a very close bond and friendship with you, Linda, through working with us in the training of our Cardigan Welsh Corgi at PetSmart. We miss you and wish you a speedy recovery. Karl and family, please, do not hesitate to email if there is anything at all we can do for you. I know you don’t know us, but the offer for help is sincere. Sending big love and hugs (for Houdini and the other pooches too) and prayers. May God bless you and keep you,
    Maggie, Bob and Ven

  • 9 Desiree Barto // Mar 9, 2012 at 9:29 am

    Was so very sorry to hear!! Wishing you a quick recovery and keeping you and your family in our daily prayers!!! Get better soon!!!!
    Desiree & Owen

  • 10 Warren & Barb Wagner plus Boo // Mar 11, 2012 at 8:09 am

    It’s so good to hear the Linda is resonding well. Our heartfelt wishes and thoughts go with you every day. I have a whole bunch of friends that are saying prayers for both Karl and Linda. Again please don’t hesitate to ask for any help. We’d be more than happy to make food and babysit doggies when the need arises. All our love, Barb and Warren

  • 11 Kate Peters // Mar 12, 2012 at 8:33 am

    I am reading all of your prayers and well wishes and personally wanted to thank you! Any of you who know my Mom, knows she is an incrediably strong lady. She is keeping the nurses and doctors on their toes and SMILING! I also want to thank my brother Kory for setting this up on their website. I tell my mom about all the people that are keeping her in their thoughtss and prayers and she smiles. Continue praying and keeping her in your thoughts. Thank you thank you thank you.. xoxoxo

  • 12 Jean & Aggie // Mar 14, 2012 at 7:49 am

    We are so happy to read of the progress Linda has been making. Keep it up! May all the prayers, well wishes and love for this family bring hope and sunshine into your lives. It goes without saying, anything you need, just let me know.
    Jean, Agathe & Athena

  • 13 Linda and Dwayne // Mar 17, 2012 at 9:43 pm

    Rehab already ! Thank God ! Linda, you are moving right along quickly ! I was so impressed with your humor and good spirits and hope to get up soon to make your hair pretty and check your toe nails 🙂 Maybe they’ll let me do your finger nails now too ? I’ve got some really nice colors !!

  • 14 Dr. Pamela Richards, PhD // Mar 23, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    Kate/Kory/Karl: I am a bit confused as I never received an e-mail indicating what happened to Linda. I would love to send a card and/or visit but it would be helpful to know some background. Alternatively, you may call me at 856.235.8263. I have known Karl and Linda for about 5 years and own a black pup from Lola and Leo; her name is Petunia.

  • 15 Valentine // Mar 31, 2012 at 9:29 am

    Karl and Linda,
    We have been thinking about both of you everyday, sending you positive vibes and well wishes. Our Reagan is doing very well and is an absolute pleasure in our family. We are in the stage of who can outsmart who :=).
    We wish you the best. Valentine, Kenn, all the kids, Reagan, Bella and the cat.

  • 16 eileen and phil gentile and peterschwartz a // Apr 2, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    Our prayers are with you Linda! Willem sends a big bouvier kiss your way

  • 17 Jean Podlasek // Apr 13, 2012 at 7:02 am

    Hi Linda & Karl,

    Sending prayers, well wishes and lots of love your way. Looking forward to Lola’s creations arriving on the scene. Ms. Aggie was at Ironstone Vet yesterday for grooming. She got her summer “do”. Looks so skinny we had to make a fast food run to Mickey D’s for her burger and fries.

    Jean & Agathe

  • 18 Brenda and Xiao Yi // Apr 25, 2012 at 4:20 pm


    Just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family. Was so glad to hear that you are doing so well, but always knew you are a super strong woman. Hope all continues to go well for you and your family. Xiao Yi and I miss you.


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