We are all aware of how harmful fleas and ticks are to our dogs. But exactly how potentially harmful are the products we use to rid our dogs of fleas and ticks? Below is a Special Advisory from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the use of these products?
Please take a few moments to read the article and decide for yourself if these product’s potential hazards are outweighed by their benefits.
I know Karl and I have decided not to use these products to manage fleas and ticks on our dogs and have had great success with an all natural product. But that was our decision after much thought and discussion.
Each dog owner must make up their own mind and feel comfortable and confident in their decision. If you ever want to discuss this and want to give us a call or contact us through our website, please do not hesitate. We are always willing to share our experiences and how things have worked for us. Kory’s also started a thread in our discussion forum if anyone would like to offer their own experiences and input.
So take some time to read the article below and form your own opinion.
Special Advisory On Flea and Tick Control Products: Exercise Caution For Your Pet’s Sake
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an advisory on the use of topical spot-on flea and tick treatments sold by pet retailers, including PSP. This advisory is due to increased incidents of adverse reactions in pets treated with these products. These reactions range from mild skin irritations to far more serious and, in some cases, fatal complications.
The EPA has acknowledged that spot-on products “can be appropriate treatments for protecting your pet’s and your family’s health because fleas and ticks can transmit disease.” The EPA notes that it is “not advising pet owners to stop using spot-ons, but is asking them to exercise caution and make informed decisions when selecting treatment methods.”
While many people use spot-on flea and tick treatments with no harmful effects to their pets, the EPA recommends that pet owners take precautions with these products. Please read all product label directions carefully and follow them “to the letter” when using spot-on flea and tick control treatments. Be sure to use spot-on products only on the animal specified by the label. NEVER use dog products on a cat, or cat products on a dog. Also, use only the amount of product specified in the instructions, based on the weight/size of your dog or cat.
Monitor your pet closely after applying spot-on products and consult your veterinarian if you have any questions about the use of these products, or your pet shows any signs of an adverse reaction. Consult a veterinarian before using these products if your pet is sick, aged, pregnant, nursing, is on medication or is exposed to other pesticide treatments.
Pet Supplies “Plus” will continue to offer spot-on treatments to help reduce the health risk posed by flea and tick infestation. However, we want to notify you about the EPA’s advisory so you can make the most informed decision possible for the sake of your pet’s health and safety.
For a link to the EPA’s advisory, click on this link: http://www.epa.gov/opp00001/health/flea-tick-control.html