Mohr Bouviers

Karl & Linda Mohr – Fogelsville, PA

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Entries Tagged as 'Stories From the Field'

Lola Playing Ball

June 12th, 2009 · No Comments · Media Gallery, Stories From the Field

Lola’s back to her usual self after her first litter.


Please note: you’ll need to download the free Quicktime Player to preview the video.


A Short Story

February 27th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Stories From the Field

There is something about the morning at the farm that makes me smile. Surrounded by all the animals there is always something happening that can make you smile all day long.

This morning, while making coffee, I heard a commotion in the living room. I turn around in time to see Jethro (7 mth old = Bouvier) racing into the kitchen with Lola and Houdini in hot pursuit. At that exact moment Jethro tried his best to negotiate the turn around Lola’s crate when all 4 paws went out from under him. He ended up spinning and sliding on his belly into the kitchen. The sight brought back images of Bambi trying to walk on a frozen pond. Now you would think that would deter the game of “Let’s Get Jethro” but no! The game continued with Jethro back on his paws racing my direction. I narrowly escape being sucked into the game by pressing myself against the kitchen counter and holding on! This was all happening with Cranky Uncle Spanky (18 yr old terrier/poodle mix) walking blindly toward the water bowl. I am pleased to report no one was hurt during the morning escapades and we will all live to see what tomorrow morning has in store for us.

The smile you are currently wearing is brought to you by Mohr Bouviers!!!


“Jumping on Command”

February 22nd, 2009 · 4 Comments · Stories From the Field

Hussi – Fencing! from Kory M. on Vimeo.

Here’s Hussi learning how to jump fences on command. Agility, here we come!


A Bouvier family reunion!

December 27th, 2008 · No Comments · Stories From the Field

Hussi, Lola and Houdini enjoy a family reunion. 🙂
